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Bisecting Rim to Rim Die Cracks on U. S. Coins


1840 Philadelphia Mint


Images are courtesy of Redhawk on ebay


Cross reference: none. The die crack is seen through the face of Liberty, from rim to opposing rim. While on the verge of being a split die, the width of the die crack is too small to classify it as such. 02/01/2014.

1864 Philadelphia Mint


Images are courtesy of Charlie Doss

IMG_7600 - CopyIMG_7600 IMG_7601

Cross reference: none. 02/01/2014.

1925S San Francisco Mint


Images Courtesy of Keith Christenson

Cross reference: none. 05/11/2024.

Note: Reverse die markers “die cracks” (white arrows).

1960 Philadelphia Mint

RRDC-1c-1960-01 (SD)

Images Courtesy of Robert Jennik


Cross reference: none. 02/01/2014.

1961D Denver Mint


Images Courtesy of Larry Peterson


Cross reference: none. 02/01/2014.

Note: Rim to Rim Die Crack on reverse.

1972D Denver Mint


Images Courtesy of Mark Shelton


Cross reference: none. 02/01/2014.

1984 Philadelphia Mint


Images Courtesy of Greg Bowyer

Cross reference: none. 04/15/2023.

1987 Philadelphia Mint


Images Courtesy of Mark Geer

Cross reference: none. 09/02/2023.

1988 Philadelphia Mint


Images Courtesy of Larry Peterson


Cross reference: none. 05/06/2017.


Images Courtesy of Gregory Guy


Cross reference: none. 10/10/2018.

1992 Philadelphia Mint


Images Courtesy of Eric Sizemore


Cross reference: none. 11/11/2017.

1994 Philadelphia Mint


Images Courtesy of Paul Argento

1994P-RRDC 0201994P-RRDC 022

1994P-RRDC 007 copy 1994P-RRDC 016 copy 1994P-RRDC 012 copy

There is an interior retained die break involved with this rim to rim die crack, but it does not show enough lateral / vertical displacement to be listed.

Cross reference number: none. 02/01/2014.


Images are courtesy of Steven Young

1994RRDCRev(2)1994RRDCRev(2) copy  1994RRDCRev(1)

Cross reference: none. 02/01/2014.


Images are courtesy of George

1994-21994-2 copy  1994-1

It does seem that the year 1994 was infamous for this type of error. The die crack originates above the first A in AMERICA, travels through the Memorial building and exits through the N of CENT into the rim.

Cross reference: LDB23456-1994-001. 02/01/2014.


Images are courtesy of Jonathan Raymond



Cross reference: none. 02/22/2020.

1995 Philadelphia Mint


Images are courtesy of Tom Koolick


95-01t 95-01m 95-01b

Cross reference: none. 07/25/2016.


Images are courtesy of Jason Coplin



Cross reference: none. 05/24/2017.


Images are courtesy of Greg Bowyer

Cross reference: none. 07/25/2022.

1996 Philadelphia Mint

RRDC-1c-1996-01R & 02R

Images are courtesy of George

1996-2blank_p01(5) copy  Copy (3) of 1996-2 copyCopy (4) of 1996-2 copy


Copy of 1996-2 copyCopy (2) of 1996-2 copy


Cross reference: none. Rim to opposing rim die cracks are unusual, but to find two on the same coin, on the same die is very rare. Also noted is the rather large die crack from the word WE down into the head of Lincoln. 02/01/2024.

1998 Philadelphia Mint


Images are courtesy of Marvin L. Young


Cross reference: none. 04/14/2018.

2015 Philadelphia Mint


Images are courtesy of Terry Murrin


Cross reference: none. 09/11/2017.

This 2015 Lincoln Cent has a bisecting rim to rim die crack on its obverse die.

2015D Denver Mint


Images are courtesy of Thomas A. Hayes


Cross reference: none. 12/10/2018.

2020 Philadelphia Mint


Images are courtesy of Matthew Vallee


Cross reference: UDC-1c-2020-01R. 10/26/2021.


1940S San Francisco Mint


IMG_5060IMG_5061 IMG_5062 copyIMG_5063 copy

The bisecting rim to rim die crack begins just to the right of the S in PLURIBUS. It enters the dome of Monticello and jags to the right, traveling down the right-side main column and exiting to the right of the E in MONTICELLO. It passes through the T of CENT and the O in OF, terminating at the opposing rim. 02/01/2014.

1941S San Francisco Mint


IMG_4985IMG_4986 IMG_4988 copyIMG_4989 copy

The 1941-S Jefferson nickel shows a rim to opposing rim die crack. The die crack can be seen starting between the letters B and S in PLURIBUS and terminating between the O and F in the word OF. 02/01/2014.

1942S San Francisco Mint


IMG_5034IMG_5035IMG_5040 copyIMG_5041 copy

The 1942-S Jefferson nickel has a bisecting rim to rim die crack on its reverse die. The anomaly starts at the rim above the second U in PLURIBUS, through the mintmark and into the dome of Monticello. The die crack then jogs to the right exiting the build to the left of the E in the word MONTICELLO. It continues downward through the N of CENT and the O in OF, terminating at the opposing rim. 02/01/2014.


Images are courtesy of Seth Addison / Chris Simpson

20160430_06402320160430_064012 20160430_06484520160430_064232 20160430_064149

The 1942-S Jefferson nickel has a bisecting rim to rim die crack on its reverse die. The anomaly starts at the rim above the second U in PLURIBUS, through the mintmark and into the dome of Monticello. The die crack then jogs to the right exiting the build to the left of the E in the word MONTICELLO. It continues downward in between the E and N of CENT and ends in the opposing rim just left of the O in OF. Though similar to RRDC-5c-1942S-01, there are differences between the two reverses. 02/01/2014.


Images are courtesy of Zach Llewellyn



Cross reference: none.  06/05/2018.


Images are courtesy of Zach Llewellyn



Cross reference: none.  09/17/2018.


Images are courtesy of Steven Bernatowicz



Cross reference: none.  09/07/2019.


Images are courtesy of Keith Christenson

Cross reference: none.  03/22/2022.


Images are courtesy of Joshua Davis

Cross reference: none.  08/16/2024.

1943P Philadelphia Mint


Images are courtesy of Tom Koolick

S20160101_006S20160101_004 S20160101_010S20160101_009S20160101_008

The 1943-P Jefferson nickel has a bisecting rim to rim die crack on its reverse die. The anomaly starts at the rim above the second U in PLURIBUS, through the mintmark and into the dome of Monticello. The die crack then jogs to the right exiting the build and through the E in the word MONTICELLO. It continues downward through the N of CENT and the O in OF, terminating at the opposing rim. 02/01/2014.

1944S San Francisco Mint


Images are courtesy of Zach Llewellyn



Cross reference: none.  08/30/2018.


Images are courtesy of Mark Clewell



Cross reference: none.  09/21/2019.

1950 Philadelphia Mint


Images are courtesy of Kristen Naylor

IMG_20151117_212226889IMG_20151117_212226889 copy  IMG_20151117_211625602

Cross reference: none. The die crack can be seen through the second U in PLURIBUS, down into the dome of Monticello, through the C of MONTICELLO, the E of CENT and exiting between the words STATES and OF. 02/01/2014.

1973D Denver Mint


Images Courtesy of Steve Young

 SD-5c-1973D-03R(1)_opt copySD-5c-1973D-03R(2)_opt

Cross reference: none. 02/01/2014.

1980 Philadelphia Mint


Images are courtesy of Steve Young

1980prrdc(2)_optmlioojdf copy  1980prrdc(3)_opt

This is another example of the die bisecting the Monticello building. Though the coin is worn, the die crack is still evident. 02/01/2014.

1983 Philadelphia Mint


Images are courtesy of Greg Bowyer

Cross reference: none. 06/29/2022.

1995P Philadelphia Mint


Images are courtesy of Chuck Newman

Cross reference: none. This coin also has two “spike heads” listed as SKH-5c-1995P-07 & 08 03/01/2016.

1996P Philadelphia Mint


Images are courtesy of Steven Young

1996PRRDC(2)_opt1996PRRDC(2)_opt copy  1996PRRDC(1)_opt

Cross reference: none. 02/01/2014.


Images are courtesy of Greg Bowyer

RRDC-5c-1996P-02R                                                                         SD-5c-1996P-01

Cross reference: SD-5c-1996P-01. 09/23/2021.

Note: Obverse Struck through a split capped die.

1997P Philadelphia Mint


Images are courtesy of Sherie Ward


Cross reference: none. 04/23/2020.

1998P Philadelphia Mint


Images are courtesy of JC Stevens

98P02r 98P02o

98P02ls 98P02rs

The 1998-P Jefferson nickel has a bisecting rim to rim die crack on its reverse die. The anomaly starts at the rim above the “U” in UNITED, through the base of Monticello terminating at the opposing rim above the last “A” in AMERICA.

Cross reference: JCn-1998-02. 09/06/2016.


1837 Philadelphia Mint


Images are courtesy of Juan Aguerre

20151029_w54_opt 20151029_w55_opt jhkKSDK copyjS KHGIU copy

Cross reference: none. 02/01/2014.

1940S San Francisco Mint


IMG_5037IMG_5036  IMG_5038 copy IMG_5039 copy

The 1940-S Winged Liberty Head dime has a bisecting rim to rim die crack on the obverse die. The die crack starts at the rime above the E in LIBERTY, goes into Liberty’s cap and into her hair. There is a junction where another die crack has formed that travels upward to the left and blind ends. The die crack re-enters the bottom portion of Liberty’s cap, passes through her neck and terminates at the opposing rim.

Cross reference: none. 02/01/2014.


Images are courtesy of Keith Christenson

Cross reference: SKH-10c-1940S-03. 11/08/2023.

Note: Spike Head SKH-10c-1940S-03 “white arrows”.


1957D Denver Mint


Images are courtesy of William McClure


Cross reference: none. 10/06/2019.


1997P Philadelphia Mint


Images are courtesy of Norman Asis


Cross reference: none. 12/1/2017.