The listings on this page are by description / delimitation letter / position letters. Full die breaks at the top and small die breaks at the bottom of the page. See the Hardy Index System link.
“FL+” indicates full breaks that extend below the lowest level of the letters.
LDB5-1983-001A 5FL+
Image is courtesy of Bryan Barry
Die Markers: Obverse – Die Chips both loops of “B” in LIBERTY.
Reverse – None noted.
Cross reference: Hardy Index 83P-5FL+. 06/14/2017.
Note: Stage A is missing the die cracks on the base of the memorial.
LDB5-1983-001B 5FL+
Image is courtesy of Larry Peterson
Die Markers: Obverse – Die Chips both loops of “B” in LIBERTY.
Reverse – Die Cracks on the base of the memorial.
Cross reference: Hardy Index 83P-5FL+. 02/16/2017.
“ELM” indicates a break of ¾ “lower middle” die break.
LDB5-1983-004 5ELM
Image is courtesy of Bob Byrd
Die Markers: Obverse – none noted.
Reverse – Die Crack top left & bottom right of the memorial to rim.
Cross reference: Hardy Index 83P-5ELM. 06/29/2017.
“DHM” indicates a break of ½ or more, but less than ¾ “upper middle” die break.
“CM” indicates a break of ¼ or more, but less than ½ “middle” die break.
LDB5-1983-002 5DHM & 5CM
Image is courtesy of Keith Christenson
Die Markers: Obverse – Spike Head Die Crack SKH-1c-1983-26.
Reverse – Die Crack left side memorial base to rim.
Cross reference: SKH-1c-1983-26. Hardy 83P-DHM & 83P-CM. 04/01/2017.