The listings on this page are by description / delimitation letter / position letters. Full die breaks at the top and semi die breaks at the bottom of the page. See the Hardy Index System link.
“F+” indicates full breaks that extend both above the highest level and below the lowest level of the letters.
LDB4-1956-001A 4F+
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Cracks on the Bottom of coat.
REVERSE –None Noted.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B632, Hardy 56P-4F+12. 07/13/2015.
#1 of 2 stage progression.
LDB4-1956-001B 4F+
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Cracks on the Bottom of coat, Die crack Hair, Bottom of B & R.
REVERSE –Die Crack Rim to Right Wheat.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B634, Hardy 56P-4F+. 01/19/2016.
#2 of 2 stage progression, now with a Die Crack Rim to Right Wheat.
LDB4-1956-002B 4F+
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – BIE extends below bottom of E, Die Crack on coat.
REVERSE – Die Chip last S of STATES.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B610, Hardy 56P-4F+14. 07/13/2015.
#2 of 5 stage progression.
Images are needed for stage 1
Stage 1, Cohen 56-B609 Die Cracks on Coat, Die Crack on E of ONE.
Stage 2, Cohen 56-B610 Die Crack last S of STATES.
Stage 3, Cohen 56-B611 BIE extends below bottom of “E”.
Stage 4, Cohen 56-B613 Die Crack Head to Rim “Spiked Head”.
Stage 5, Cohen 56-B15 Two Cracks to “WE”.
LDB4-1956-002C 4F+
Images Courtesy of John Taylor
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – BIE extends below bottom of E, Die Crack on Coat.
REVERSE – Die Chip last S of STATES.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B611, Hardy 56P-4F+14. 02/01/2016.
LDB4-1956-002D 4F+
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Spiked Head, Die Break Skull, die Crack Coat.
REVERSE –Die Crack E of ONE, Die Chip last S of STATES.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B613 “Spiked Head SKH-1c-1956-01A”, Hardy 56P-4F+24. 07/19/2015.
#4 of 5 stage progression.
LDB4-1956-002E 4F+
Images Courtesy of Pete Apple
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Spiked Head “two cracks”, Die Break Skull, die Crack Coat.
REVERSE –Die Crack E of ONE, Die Chip last S of STATES.
Cross references: SKH-1c-1956-01B, Cohen 56-B615 & 56-B613 “Spiked Head”, Hardy 56P-4F+24. 07/13/2015.
#5 of 5 stage progression.
LDB4-1956-006 4F+
Images Courtesy of Earl M. Williams
REVERSE –None Noted.
Cross references: Cohen Pending, Hardy 56P-4F+. 01/06/2016.
LDB4-1956-008 4F+
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
REVERSE – None Noted.
Cross references: Cohen Not Listed, Hardy 56P-4F+8. 01/18/2016.
LDB4-1956-012 4F+
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
REVERSE – None Noted.
Cross references: Cohen Not Listed, Hardy 56P-4F+. 01/22/2016.
LDB4-1956-013B 4F+
Images Courtesy of Earl M. Williams
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Crack on Skull and Coat
REVERSE – Die Chip on T in CENT.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B629, Hardy 56P-4F+24. 01/23/2016.
#2 of 2 stage progression.
Images are needed for the following stage.
Stage 1, Cohen 56-B627 Die Crack on Coat is missing.
LDB4-1956-015 4F+
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
REVERSE – None Noted.
Cross references: Cohen Not Listed, Hardy 56P-4F+. 02/02/2016.
LDB4-1956-018A 4F+
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Small Die Chip at the Tie, No Die Cracks on Coat.
REVERSE – None Noted.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B602, Hardy 56P-4F+. 02/01/2016.
#1 of 5 stage progression.
Stage 1, Cohen 56-B602 Small Die Chip at the Tie, No Die Cracks on Coat.
Stage 2, Cohen 56-B603 Has two Die Cracks on the Coat, Better Grade show a Die Crack near VBD. “Images are needed for this stage”.
Stage 3, Cohen 56-B605 Larger Die Chip at the Tie & Die Chip on T in CENT.
Stage 4, Cohen 56-B607 Long Die Crack along Right Wheat to Rim & Die Chip Left Wheat.
Stage 5, Cohen 56-B85 is a IIBIE with two Die Cracks on Coat & Die Cracks from both Wheat Stalks to Rim.
Listed with “Lincoln Die Break, II-F-Multiple: Numerical Order” LDB34-1956-002E
LDB4-1956-018C 4F+
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Chip at Tie, Die Cracks Coat & VBD.
REVERSE – Die Chip on T in CENT.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B605, Hardy 56P-4F+. 02/01/2016.
#3 of 5 stage progression.
LDB4-1956-018D 4F+
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Small Die Chip at the Tie.
REVERSE – Long Die Crack along Right Wheat to Rim & Die Chip Left Wheat & T in CENT.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B607, Hardy 56P-4F+. 02/01/2016.
#4 of 5 stage progression.
LDB4-1956-022 4F+
Images Courtesy of Earl M. Williams
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Crack bottom of Lincoln’s coat & RIDB-1c-1956-08
REVERSE – None Noted.
Cross references: Cohen Not Listed, Hardy 56P-4F+. 01/05/2107.
LDB4-1956-023B 4F+
Images Courtesy of Keith Christenson
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Cracks on Lincoln’s Coat.
REVERSE – Die Chips on Left Wheat & “T” in CENT. Die Break “Retained Cud” White Arrows.
Cross references: RCD-1c-1956-08R, Cohen 56B643, Hardy 56P-4F+19. 04/21/2017.
#2 of 2 stage progression.
Images are needed for stage #1.
Stage 1, Cohen 56-B640 Die Cracks on left and right wheat. Die Chip on “T” in CENT.
Stage 2, Cohen 56-B643 Die Crack on right wheat is a Die Break “Retained Cud”. Die Cracks on coat.
LDB4-1956-004B 4F+
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Break Head, Die Crack Rim to coat.
REVERSE –None Noted.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B650, Hardy 56P-4F+. 07/30/2015.
#2 of 3 stage progression.
LDB4-1956-004C 4F+
Images Courtesy of Earl M. Williams
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Break Head, Die Crack Rim to coat.
REVERSE –Die Chip Right Wheat.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B652, Hardy F+. 07/08/2016
#3 of 3 stage progression.
LDB4-1956-024 4F+
Images Courtesy of Bob Byrd
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Crack Head & 3 Die Cracks on Lincoln’s coat.
REVERSE – Die Chips on Left & Right Wheat, “T” & Die Crack rim to Right Wheat.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B624, Hardy 56P 4F+. 02/18/2018.
“FH+” indicates full breaks that extend above the highest level of the letters.
LDB4-1956-007B 4FH+
Images Courtesy of Earl M. Williams
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Crack on Coat & Skull.
REVERSE –Die Chip on T in CENT.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B629, Hardy 56P-4FH+. 01/06/2016.
#1 of 2 stage progression.
Note: Stage 1 Will be Cohen 56-B627 with only a Cracked Skull.
LDB4-1956-017B 4FH+
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
REVERSE – Die Chip on C in CENT, Die Crack Rim through Right wheat to last S in STATES.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B649, Hardy 56P-4FH+. 01/29/2016.
#2 of 2 stage progression.
Images are needed of the following stages.
Stage 1, Cohen 56-BA648 Top of BIE is a Die Crack.
LDB4-1956-026 FH+
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
REVERSE – None Noted.
Cross references: Cohen NL, Hardy 56P-4FH+. 10/06/2019.
“FL+” indicates full breaks that extend below the lowest level of the letters.
LDB4-1956-009B 4FL+
Images Courtesy of Earl M. Williams
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Crack on Coat & Skull, Die Chip R in LIBERTY
REVERSE –Die Chip on T in CENT.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B515, Hardy 56P-4FL+2. 01/21/2016.
#2 of 3 stage progression.
Images are needed for Stage 1
Stage 1 Cohen 56-B512 Will be Cohen 56-B512 missing the Die Chip in the R.
Stage 2 Cohen 56-B515 Die Chip on R in LIBERTY.
Stage 3 Cohen 56-B518 Die Chip on 9 in Date, Large chip on T, & two Die Cracks on skull.
LDB4-1956-009C 4FL+
Images Courtesy of Earl M. Williams
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Crack on Coat & Skull, Die Chip R in LIBERTY & 9 on Date.
REVERSE –Die Chip on T in CENT.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B518, Hardy 56P-4FL+9. 02/18/2016.
#3 of 3 stage progression.
LDB4-1956-011 4FL+
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Crack on Skull, Bottom of Coat.
REVERSE –Die Chip T in CENT.
Cross references: Cohen Not Listed, Hardy 56P-4FL+. 01/22/2016.
LDB4-1956-016 4FL+
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Crack & Chip Coat, Die Break Skull, Die Chip at Throat.
REVERSE – Die Chip on T in CENT & E in ONE, Die Breaks & Chip on both wheat stalks.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B507, Hardy 56P-4FL+. 07/13/2015.
LDB4-1956-027 4FL+
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
REVERSE – None noted.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B507, Hardy 56P-4FL+8. 10/05/2019.
“F” indicates a break that is flush with the highest and the lowest levels of the letters.
Images Courtesy of Derrel Dearing
REVERSE – Die Chip on “S” in STATES
Cross references: Cohen NL, Hardy 56P-4F. 12/01/2018.
Images Courtesy of William (Bill) W. Kerr, Jr.
REVERSE – None noted.
Cross references: Cohen NL, Hardy 56P-4F. 09/16/2024.
“EH” indicates a break of ¾ “upper” die break.
LDB4-1956-003A 4EH
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
REVERSE –Die Chip C of CENT.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B905, Hardy 56P-4EH-3. 07/30/2015.
#1 of 7 stage progression.
Stage 1, Cohen 56-B905 Die Cracks on Coat, Die Chip on C of CENT.
Images are needed of the following stages,
Stage 2, Cohen 56-B906 Die Chip on Left Wheat
Stage 3, Cohen 56-B907 Die Break at Bust Line
Stage 4, Cohen 56-B908 Die Break at Bust Line Larger
Images found
Stage 5, Cohen 56-B909 Die Break at Bust Line Even Larger LDB4-1956-003E 4EH
Stage 6, Cohen 56-B75 Now a IIBIE LDB34-1956-001A
Stage 7, Cohen 56-B77 IIBIE With Die Chip on the R on LIBERTY “Skirted R” LDB34-1956-001B
LDB4-1956-003E 4EH
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
REVERSE –Die Chip C of CENT.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B909, Hardy 56P-4EH-3. 02/03/2016.
#5 of 7 stage progression. See notes above.
“EL+” indicates a break of ¾ that extend below the lowest level of the letters.
LDB4-1956-019 4EL+
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Cracks on Head and Coat.
REVERSE – None Noted.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B405, Hardy 56P-4EL+1. 02/03/2016.
“DH” indicates a break of ½ or more, but less than ¾ “upper” die break.
“S” indicates a semi die break.
LDB4-1956-005A 4SDH
Images Courtesy of Chris Simpson
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Crack Rim to coat.
REVERSE –None Noted.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B804, Hardy 56P-4SDH-1. 11/14/2015.
#1 of 2 stage progression.
Note: Stage 2 will have a Die Break between the coat and rim.
“DHM” indicates a break of ½ or more, but less than ¾ “upper middle” die break.
LDB4-1956-014B 4DHM
Images Courtesy of Nolan Workman
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Chip on 9 in Date, Die Cracks on Head & VBD.
REVERSE – None Noted.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B977, Hardy 56P-4DHM-2. 10/06/2017.
#2 of 4 stage progression.
Images are needed of stage 1.
Stage 1 Cohen 56-B975 Small Die Chip between B & E, Die Cracks on Head and VBD
Stage 2 Cohen 56-B976 Die Chip is larger with Die Crack extending to B, Chip on 9 on Date.
Stage 3 Cohen 56-B977 Die Chip between B & E is larger.
Stage 4 Cohen Not Listed Large Die Crack on Nose.
LDB4-1956-014C 4DHM
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Chip on 9 in Date, Die Cracks on Head & VBD.
REVERSE – None Noted.
Cross references: Cohen 56-B977, Hardy 56P-4DHM-2. 01/24/2016.
#3 of 4 stage progression.
LDB4-1956-014D 4DHM
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Chip on 9 in date. See above plus Large Die Crack on Nose.
REVERSE – None Noted.
Cross references: Cohen Not Listed, Hardy 56P-4DHM. 02/03/2016.
#4 of 4 stage progression.
“CH” indicates a break of ¼ or more, but less than ½ “upper” die break.
“S” indicates a semi die break.
LDB4-1956-010B 4SCH
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Crack on Skull.
REVERSE –Die Crack on Right Wheat will be hard to spot.
Cross references: Cohen 56-BA704, Hardy 56P-4SCH. 01/22/2016.
#2 of 4 stage progression.
Images are needed for the following stages.
Stage 1, Cohen 56-BA703 Die Crack on Right Wheat is missing.
Stage 3, Cohen B903 Die Chip between B & E is much larger.
Stage 4, Cohen B620 Die Chip is now a full BIE.
“CL+” indicates a break of ¼ or more, but less than ½ that extend below the lowest level of the letters.
LDB4-1956-020A 4CL+
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Chip on the bottom of the R on LIBERTY.
REVERSE – None Noted.
Cross references: Cohen 56-BA125, Hardy 56P-4CL+1. 07/13/2015.
#1 of 2 stage progression.
Stage 1, Cohen 56-BA125 Die Crack B to E, Die Chip bottom R in LIBERTY. Worn Die may not show cracks on coat, skull and Left Wheat.
Stage 2, Cohen 56-BA127 Heavy Die Crack on Left Wheat. Images of a better grade die are needed.
LDB4-1956-020B 4CL+
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Chip on the bottom of the R on LIBERTY.
REVERSE – None Noted.
Cross references: Cohen 56-BA127, Hardy 56P-4CL+1. 07/13/2015.
“BL+” indicates a break of less than ¼ the height of the letters that extend below the lowest level of the letters.
“R” indicates a related die break.
LDB4-1956-021 4RBL+
Images Courtesy of Earl M. Williams
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Crack bottom of Lincoln’s coat.
REVERSE – None Noted.
Cross references: Cohen 56-BA105, Hardy 56P-4RBL+2. 01/05/2017.
Return to Lincoln Cent Die Breaks Called “BIE”