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The listings on this page are by description / delimitation letter / position letters. Full die breaks at the top and small die breaks at the bottom of the page. See the Hardy Index System link.

“F” indicates a break that is flush with the highest and the lowest levels of the letters.

“S” indicates a semi die break.

LDB4-1952-006 4SF

Images are courtesy of JC Stevens



Die Markers: Obverse – None Noted.

Reverse – None Noted.

Cross references: Cohen Not Listed, Hardy 52P-4SF. 02/28/2016.

“EL+” indicates a break of ¾ that extend below the lowest level of the letters.

LDB4-1952-005C 4EL+

Images are courtesy of JC Stevens



Die Markers: Obverse – Die Chip Head & upper R, Die Crack left leg of R, Die Crack Head.

Reverse – Die Chips on Left Wheat.

Cross references: Cohen 52-B407, Hardy 52P-4EL-1. 02/28/2016.

#3 of 3 stage progression.

“CM” indicates a break of ¼ or more, but less than ½ “middle” die break.

LDB4-1952-001A 4CM

Images are courtesy of J. Aguerre

w112_opt(1) w117_opt copyw47_opt copy

Die Markers: Obverse – Die break in the R of LIBERTY

Reverse – Die Break in the left wheat ear.

Cross references: Cohen Pending, Hardy 52P-CM-7. 11/05/2015.

#1 of 4 stage progression.

Cohen has three listings for this die, 52-B405, 52-B406 & 52-B407. This coin is an even earlier stage than the 52-B405 which has a die crack from the left leg of the R in LIBERTY and die cracks on the head & coat. The 52-B406 show the break “die chip” is larger on the left wheat & between the B & E. The 52-B407 shows both of these chips have grown. I hope to find the other three stages to list. The BIE Handbook has only one Hardy listing, 52P-CM-7, which does not note the die chips on the left wheat or cracks on the obverse.

LDB4-1952-003B 4CM

Images are courtesy of JC Stevens



Die Markers: Obverse – Die Cracks on Lincoln’s Coat and “Head.

Reverse – None Noted.

Cross references: Cohen 52-B306, Hardy 52P-4CM-6. 02/28/2016

#1 of 4 stage progression.

Images are needed for stage 1

Stage 1, Cohen 52-B305 Die Chip “BIE” is small, Die Cracks on Head and Coat.

Stage 2, Cohen 52-B306 Die Chip “BIE” is larger.

Stage 3, Cohen 52-B307 Die Chip “BIE” is even larger.

Stage 4, Cohen 52-B308 Die Chip on top loop of B in LIBERTY.

LDB4-1952-003C 4CM

Images are courtesy of JC Stevens



Die Markers: Obverse – Die Cracks on Lincoln’s Coat and Head.

Reverse – None Noted.

Cross references: Cohen 52-B307, Hardy 52P-4CM-3. 02/24/2016.

#3 of 4 stage progression.

LDB4-1952-003D 4CM

Images are courtesy of JC Stevens



Die Markers: Obverse – Die Cracks on Lincoln’s Coat and Head, Die Chip on upper loop of B.

Reverse – None Noted.

Cross references: Cohen 52-B308, Hardy 52P-4CM-8, JCc-1952_126. 11/01/2015.

#4 of 4 stage progression.

LDB4-1952-005B 4CM

Images are courtesy of JC Stevens



Die Markers: Obverse – Die Chip upper R, Die Crack left leg of R, Die Crack Head & Coat.

Reverse – Die Chips on Left Wheat.

Cross references: Cohen 52-B406, Hardy 52P-4CM-8. 02/28/2016.

#2 of 3 stage progression.

Images are needed for stage 1.

Stage 1, Cohen 52-B405 Die Chip upper R, Die Crack left leg of R, Die Crack Head & Coat, Die Chip Left Wheat.

Stage 2, Cohen 52-B406 Die Chip on Head, more Die Chips on Left Wheat.

Stage 3, Cohen 52-B407 Die Chip “BIE” is even larger “Full BIE”.

“BL” indicates a break of less than ¼ the height of the letters “lower” die break.

“S” indicates a semi die break.

LDB4-1952-002 4SBL

Images are courtesy of JC Stevens



Die Markers: Obverse – Two Die Cracks on Lincoln’s Coat.

Reverse – None Noted.

Cross references: Cohen 52-BA219, Hardy 52P-4SBL-1. 02/14/2016.

LDB4-1952-004 4SBL

Images are courtesy of JC Stevens



Die Markers: Obverse – None Noted.

Reverse – None Noted.

Cross references: Cohen Not Listed, Hardy 52P-4SBL-Not Listed. 02/28/2016.


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