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The listings on this page are by description / delimitation letter / position letters. Full die breaks at the top and small die breaks at the bottom of the page. See the Hardy Index System link.

“CL” indicates a break of ¼ or more, but less than ½ “lower” die break.

“S” indicates a semi die break of CL.

LDB4-1951-004 4SCL

Images are courtesy of Juan Aguerre


51-04bb 51-04lw

DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Crack between B & E, Die Crack bottom of “R” in “LIBERTY”.

                            REVERSE – Die Chip on Left & Right Wheat and “T” in “CENT”

Note: This Die will have a small Die Crack at the base of “R” (Red Arrow). On this coin that crack is covered by PMD “Post Mint Damage”.

Cross references: Cohen Pending, Hardy 51P-4SCL+1. 09/14/2016.

“BLM” indicates a break of less than ¼ the height of the letters “lower middle” die break.

“S” indicates a semi die break of BLM.

LDB4-1951-003 4SBLM

Images are courtesy of JC Stevens



DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Small Die Chip between B & E.

                            REVERSE – None Noted.

Cross references: Cohen Not Listed, Hardy 51P-4SBLM “Semi Die Break”. 03/06/2016.

“BL” indicates a break of less than ¼ the height of the letters “lower” die break.

“S” indicates a semi die break of BL.

LDB4-1951-002 4SBL

Images are courtesy of JC Stevens



DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Small Die Chip between B & E.

                            REVERSE – None Noted.

Cross references: Cohen 51-BA101, Hardy 51P-4SBL+2 “Semi Die Break”. 03/06/2016.

“A” indicates an associated die break.

Note: Hardy did not use “Die Break Locator Numerals” on associated die breaks.

LDB4-1951-001 4ALR

Images are courtesy of JC Stevens



DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Break between B & E is very light, Die Chip bottom leg of R.

                            REVERSE – Die Crack coat to rim.

Cross references: Cohen 51-BA202, Hardy 51P-ALR+1 “Associated Die Break”. 03/05/2016.




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