The listings on this page are by description / delimitation letter / position letters. Full die breaks at the top and small die breaks at the bottom of the page. See the Hardy Index System link.
“F” indicates a break that is flush with the highest and the lowest levels of the letters.
LDB4-1950-002 4F
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Crack on Head & Coat.
REVERSE –None Noted.
Cross references: Cohen 50-B501, Hardy 50P-4F-5. 03/10/2016.
LDB4-1950-003 4F
Images Courtesy of Josh Mangham
Cross references: Cohen Pending, Hardy 50P-4F. 11/05/2020.
“S” indicates a semi die break.
LDB4-1950-001 4SF
Images Courtesy of JC Stevens
REVERSE –None Noted.
Cross references: Cohen Not listed, Hardy 50P-4SF. 07/16/2015.