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LDB3 – 1957D

The listings on this page are by description / delimitation letter / position letters. Full die breaks at the top and small die breaks at the bottom of the page. See the Hardy Index System link.

“F+” indicates full breaks that extend both above the highest level and below the lowest level of the letters.

 LDB3-1957D-001 3F+

Images Courtesy of Ray Parkhurst


                            REVERSE – None noted.

Cross references: Cohen Index not listed, Hardy 57D-3F+ not listed. 03/27/2018.

Note: Ray is a builder of custom coin photography setups which he used for the above 3-D image.

“CH” indicates a break of ¼ or more, but less than ½ “upper” die break.

“S” indicates a semi die break.

LDB3-1957D-002 3SCH

Images Courtesy of JC Stevens



DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Chip lower B “white arrow”, Die Crack Coat to Rim.

                            REVERSE – Die Break Left Wheat.

Cross references: Cohen 57D-BA80, Hardy 57D-3SCH-1. 07/13/2015.

“BH” indicates a break of less than ¼ the height of the letters “upper” die break.

“S” indicates a semi die break.

LDB3-1957D-003 3SBH

Images Courtesy of Robert Oney



DIE MARKERS: OBVERSE – Die Chip lower B, Die Crack Coat to Rim.

                            REVERSE – None

Cross references: SKH-1c-1957D-04 Spike Head “white arrow” 05/03/2021.


Return to Lincoln Cent Die Breaks Called “BIE”