Interior Die Breaks on World coins will be listed alphabetically by country of origin. The country code in the file number can be obtained from this list linked HERE.
Interior Die Break Definition: When a thick flake spalls off the interior of the die face it leaves a void we call an interior die break. It appears on the coin as a featureless lump. Unlike a cud, an interior die break has no direct connection to the design rim. Interior die breaks are often connected to die cracks and sometimes straddle a split in the die face (split die). When it is not connected to a die crack, it is called a freestanding interior die break. To be an Interior Die Break, the break must be larger than 4 square millimeters.
Die Chip Definition: A small piece (less than 4 square millimeters) that falls out of the die face and has no direct connection to the design rim. The missing piece leaves a void in the die face into which coin metal flows. As a result, the coin shows a featureless lump in the affected area.
Special Note
Die Chips are no longer listed on this site unless they are in an unusual location
(IDB) Interior Die Break
(DC) Die Chip
Australia (AU)
Images are courtesy of Chuck Newman
Cross reference: none. ONE PENNY from Australia.
Germany (DE)
Images are courtesy of Chuck Newman
Cross reference: none. 1 Heller from the Germany State of Hesse-Cassel. This coin has been double struck. 09/01/2013.
India (IN)
IDB-5P(IN) 1987-01
Images are courtesy of Jeff Ylitalo
Cross reference: none. 5 paise KM #19. 10/16/2023.