Interior Die Break Definition: (IDB) When a thick flake spalls off the interior of the die face it leaves a void we call an interior die break. It appears on the coin as a featureless lump. Unlike a cud, an interior die break has no direct connection to the design rim. Interior die breaks are often connected to die cracks and sometimes straddle a split in the die face (split die). When it is not connected to a die crack, it is called a freestanding interior die break. To be an Interior Die Break, the break must be larger than 4 square millimeters.
Die Chip Definition: (DC) A small piece (less than 4 square millimeters) that falls out of the die face and has no direct connection to the design rim. The missing piece leaves a void in the die face into which coin metal flows. As a result, the coin shows a featureless lump in the affected area.
Special Note
Die Chips are no longer listed on this site unless they are in an unusual location.
Effective January 2020 Die Chips will be listed as (DC). Any Die Chip that was listed before January 2020 has been changed from an Interior Die Break (IDB) to a Die Chip (DC)
Half Cent; 1793- 1857
Small Cent; 1856-Present
Flying Eagle Cent; 1856-1858
Indian Head Cent; (1859-1909)
Lincoln cent – Wheat rev. (1909-1958)
Lincoln cent – Memorial rev. (1959-2008)
Lincoln cent – Shield rev. (2010-Present)
Two Cent; 1864 – 1873
Three Cent; 1851 – 1899
Three cent silver (Trimes); 1851-1873
Three Cent Nickel; 1865-1889
Nickel; 1866- Present
Shield Nickel; 1866 – 1883
Liberty Head Nickel; 1883-1913
Indian Head or Buffalo Nickel; 1913 – 1938
Jefferson Nickel; 1938 – Present
Half Dime; 1794 – 1873
Dimes; 1796 – Present
Draped Bust Dime; 1796 – 1807
Capped Bust Dime; 1809 – 1837
Liberty Seated Dime; 1837 – 1891
Barber or Liberty Head Dime; 1892 – 1916
Winged Liberty Head Dime; 1916 – 1945
Twenty Cent Piece; 1875 – 1878
Quarter Dollar; 1796 – Present
Draped Bust Quarter; 1796 – 1807
Capped Bust Quarter; 1815 – 1838
Liberty Seated Quarter; 1838 – 1891
Barber or Liberty Head Quarter; 1892 – 1916
Standing Liberty Quarter; 1916 – 1930
Washington (State & Terr.) Quarter; 1999 – 2009
Washington (America the Beautiful) Quarter; 2009 – 2021
Half Dollar; 1796 – Present
Draped Bust Half Dollar; 1796 – 1807
Capped Bust Half Dollar; 1807 – 1836
Liberty Seated Half Dollar; 1839- 1891
Barber or Liberty Head Half Dollar; 1892 – 1915
Liberty Walking Half Dollar; 1915 – 1947)
Franklin Half Dollar; 1948 – 1963
Kennedy Half Dollar; 1964 – Present
Dollar; 1796 – Present
Draped Bust Dollar; 1795 – 1804
Liberty Seated Dollar; 1840 – 1873
Trade Dollar; 1873 – 1885
Morgan Dollar; 1878 – 1921
Eisenhower Dollar; 1971 – 1978
Susan B. Anthony Dollar; 1979 – 1999
Sacagawea Dollar; 2000 – 2008
Presidential Dollar; 2007 – 2016
Native America Dollar; 2009 – Present
United States Gold Coins; 1796 – 1933
$1.00 Dollar Coin
$2.00 Dollar Coin
$2.50 Dollar Coin
$3.00 Dollar Coin
$5.00 Dollar Coin
$10.00 Dollar Coin
$20.00 Dollar Coin
United States Commemorative Coins; 1893 – Present
United States Bullion Coins; 1986 – Present
Gold Coins
Silver Coins
United States Tokens
Hard Times Tokens; 1832 – 1844
Civil War Tokens; 1862 – 1864
Modern Tokens; 1900 – Present