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Attributions Guide On What To Do

Effective 2019 attributions are accepted only by email and images must be cropped and sized for upload to the site. Attributions by mail are no longer accepted.

A standard image size has been set in the hope all images will display on any browser that is used on whatever device you use to interface to the internet. Images will be cropped and resized to this standard so they will all display in these browsers. “Sorry if you are still using Mosaic or Netscape you might need to upgrade”.

In 2015 I added to the site the LIBERTY Die Break “BIE” and in 2016 Spike Head. The idea behind adding BIE’s and Spike Heads to the site was to give novice error collectors a place to compare their minor die break errors to a known online database. These types of errors before 2015 could only be attributed in books that are no longer available. Some of the images received from these novice collectors were not always the best. Many were out of focus and distorted. After many complaints that it was almost impossible to match the coin in hand to the image on the site poor quality images will no longer be accepted.  These images will not be removed.  When better images are supplied these images will be added to the listing.

Image requirements for a listing on Broken Die Errors / Cuds-on-Coins

Note: some devices, Smart Phone & Tablets, may not support image editing. Images you take on these devices will need to be copied to a PC with software that will allow you to edit these images.

If you are having troubles editing your image check the tips at the bottom of this page.

Take the highest resolution images possible with your camera. Using a photo viewing/imaging program crop and resize the images to the size listed below.

If you do not have an imaging program you can download the IrfanView program which is a free download at

How to crop and resize your image to the required size


High Resolution Image                                   with Crop Lines                 Cropped & Resized 800×800 pixels

 “height = width”               Cropped & Resized 350×350 pixels

From your “High resolution image” crop a square “height = width” by holding the right mouse button down with a diagonal movement. Release the mouse button and move the pointer to any crop line that is not at the edge of the coin and adjust this line as needed. Once you have the crop lines positioned as in the “With crop lines” image above use the copy command from the “Edit/Copy” menu. Create a new empty file “Image Menu/Create New (empty) Image.  In this new empty file paste the copied cropped image “Edit/Paste”. Resize your new image the size required below “Image/”Resize Resample””.

How to crop and resize your die break to the required size


High Resolution Image                   with Crop Lines                        Cropped & Resized 350×350 pixels

From your “High resolution image” crop a square “height = width” by holding the right mouse button down with a diagonal movement. Release the mouse button and move the pointer to any crop line and adjust this line as needed to make a square crop. Once you have the crop lines positioned as in the “With crop lines” image above use the copy command from the “Edit/Copy” menu. Create a new empty file “Image Menu/Create New (empty) Image.  In this new empty file paste the copied cropped image “Edit/Paste”. Resize your new image the size required below “Image/”Resize Resample””.

Additional Instructions for LIBERTY “BIE” Die Breaks

Additional Instructions for Spike Heads

How to send your cropped and resized images

  1. Email images, limit one coin per email, to JCStevens43@gmail(DOT)com.
  2. On the subject line enter date; mint mark and type of die break you have.
  3. All images must be in focus and have the proper orientation “don’t rotate the camera when taking the image”.
  4. Crop and resize the full obverse and reverse images to 800 x 800 pixels making sure none of the edges are cropped off. This set of images is used to check for any die markers on the coin.
  5. Crop and resize the full obverse and reverse images to 350 x 350 pixels making sure none of the edges are cropped off.
  6. Crop and resize the die break to pixels to 350 x 350 pixels. If your die break is on the edges leave room for me to add arrows “Do not add your own comments, arrows, pointers or markers”.
  7. If your coin has any die markers, image these markers and in your email note what you see or “No Markers Noted”.
  8. Images should be attached to the email as zip files/folder.
  9. We reserve the right to enhance your images for use on this site.
  10. Any submission not following the guidelines above may be rejected.
  11. All images out of focus, pixilated, rotated, or glared due to poor lighting will be rejected.
  12. I cannot use screenshots.
  13. A full name is required for image credits.

Tip; if you don’t crop to a square “Height=Width” you can never get a 350×350 image when you paste your crop into a new image and resize it. If preserved aspect is on and the crop “Height is NOT = to the Width” you can-not get a 350×350 image. You can force a 350×350 only if the original crop is close to “800×796” and not preserve the aspect ratio.   Anything else will mess up the aspect ratio which makes any attempt to do an overlay and match it to another coin impossible. Also if the coin is in any way rotated and the orientation is not correct doing an overlay is very hard.

Smart Phone & Tablet Users

It can be very hard to crop and edit images unless you have an app on your device that is designed to do this.

Make sure your device is parallel to the coin when imaging the coin. If tilted the edge could be out of focus and the aspect ratio off. Zoom in on the image and check. If any part of the image is out focus the image is unusable.