The listings on this page are by description / delimitation letter / position letters. Full die breaks at the top and small die breaks at the bottom of the page. See the Hardy Index System link.
“F+” indicates full breaks that extend both above the highest level and below the lowest level of the letters.
LDB4-1999-003 4FL+
Images are courtesy of Eric Russell
Die Markers: Obverse – None Noted.
Reverse – None Noted.
Cross reference: Hardy Index 99P-4FL+. 02/15/2016.
“EL+” indicates a break of ¾ that extends below the lowest level of the letters.
LDB4-1999-008 4EL+
Images are courtesy of Jeff Callahan
Die Markers: None Noted.
Cross reference: Hardy Index 99P-4EL+. 01/20/2021.
“DH+” indicates a break of ½ or more, but less than ¾ the height of the letters and extends above the highest level of the letters.
LDB4-1999-007 4DH+
Images are courtesy of Brian K. Dade
Die Markers: None Noted.
Cross reference: Hardy Index 99P-4DH+. 02/08/2019
“CLM” indicates a break of ¼ or more, but less than ½ “lower middle” die break.
“S” indicates a semi die break.
LDB4-1999-001 4CLM
Images are courtesy of Sean O’Connell
Die Markers: Obverse – None Noted.
Reverse – None Noted.
Cross reference: Hardy Index 99P-4CLM. 01/06/2016.
LDB4-1999-005 4SCLM
Images are courtesy of Sandy Peters
Die Markers: Obverse – None Noted
Reverse – None Noted.
Cross reference: Hardy Index 99P-4SCLM. 08/17/2016.
“CL” indicates a break of ¼ or more, but less than ½ “lower” die break.
LDB4-1999-002 4CL
Images are courtesy of Earl M. Williams
Die Markers: Obverse – None Noted.
Reverse – Die Chip top left of the Memorial.
Cross reference: Hardy Index 99P-4CL. 01/26/2016.
LDB4-1999-006 4CL
Images are courtesy of Earl M. Williams
Die Markers: Obverse – None Noted
Reverse – None Noted.
Cross reference: Hardy Index 99P-4CL. 06/29/2017.
“CL+” indicates a break of ¼ or more, but less than ½ that extend below the lowest level of the letters.
“S” indicates a semi die break.
LDB4-1999-004 4SCL+
Images are courtesy of Earl M. Williams
Die Markers: Obverse – Die Chip “B” in “LIBERTY”.
Reverse – None Noted.
Cross reference: Hardy Index 99P-4SCL+. 07/16/2016.